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Lost and Missing Animals


For all of us who have experienced it, an animal going missing or getting lost is a hugely emotional and stressful event, for both human and often for the animal as well. 


Each and every missing and lost animal case is unique, and the information given here is just some of the more commonly encountered situations that I have experienced with missing animals.  In over 11 years of communicating with animals, I have dealt with many lost and missing animals, with much experience being gained during a three year period of running a lost/missing tracking department for an established animal communicator.  Together with several other communicators, we worked as a community to help missing animals, sharing what we learned and helping each other through difficult cases.  The information shared here is therefore a culmination of the years of personal and shared experience that was built up, during that time and since then. 


There is a distinction between an animal getting lost and one who has gone missing.  An animal is considered lost when the event happens away from the animal’s normal home, e.g. getting out of the car at the vet, or jumping from a car, or while on holiday etc. etc.  An animal is normally considered missing when it has left from home and knows where more or less where it is relative to his / her home.


The purpose of animal communication with lost and missing animals, can be most useful in the following ways:


When an animal is lost, i.e. it happened away from home where the animal most likely doesn’t know any of the surroundings, an animal communication session is to gain information relating to the state of mind, the emotional state of the animal, as well as whatever information the animal will share about his / her whereabouts; whether the animal is stationary or is on the move; whether the animal has had human contact, been picked up, moved around in a car etc. etc.


In the case of missing animals, the purpose of the animal communication session is to gain information and insight into why the animal left home, whether the animal would like to return and if so, if there is anything preventing them from doing so.  If the animal wishes to be found or needs help getting home, recording as much detail as the animal will share about their current surroundings, and whatever the animal communicates about their time since they left home.  It is not the job of the animal communicator to find the animal, or make him/her go home.  Animals have free will, and if they have left because of something that has happened or changed in their environment.  All the animal communicator can do is find out what that might be, if anything can be changed to encourage her to go home, whatever may have happened since she left home, and any details regarding where she is now, including whether she is able to move around on her own, whether she has interacted with humans, been fed or is finding her own food etc. etc. 

There are cases where animals have experienced shock, fright or trauma at home, and have escaped and run away in fright… and become lost.


This information is then sent to the human in as much detail as possible.  The animal communicator cannot interpret the information, and can only record it. 


There are some benefits to working with experienced animal communicators for a number of reasons:


  • Experienced animal communicators will have several different modalities and techniques they use to gain further information, but please bear in mind that this is always done with the animal’s permission.  Should an animal not wish to be found, for whatever reason, the animal is respected and honoured for this.

  • An experienced animal communicator will be able to better interpret information based on their years of experience with animals, and will be able to better understand ways to help the animal, offer options to the animal, and make sure the animal is aware of all the potential avenues and possibilities.


There are some limitations, and information, to bear in mind when considering a communication with a lost and missing animal:


  1. Humans communicate with spoken language.  Animals, on the other hand, communicate with more of the subtle energies, and the heart connection.  It is quite common for humans to think that if they don’t see their animals, then the animals are not aware of us, when this could not be further from the truth.  Our animals are ALWAYS connected to us and aware of us, no matter how far away from them physically we are.  This means that an animal who is away from home is still very in touch with, and connected with, their human.  Unfortunately, this can sometimes lead to a misunderstanding.  As an example, an animal who has been away a few days, for example just on a walkabout touring the neighbourhood, starts to sense and feel their human becoming more and more agitated.  They decide to stay away a little longer, they are not enjoying the feelings of fear, worry, anxiety and stress they are picking up from their human, not realising that it is their absence that is the cause of this.  And the misunderstanding builds.
    There are tools and techniques that you can use to make sure this doesn’t happen, and these tools and techniques are given as part of the communication, should the animal require it.


  2. We humans created the clock, we named the days of the week, and separated time passing into days and weeks.  We also gave names to directions and distance.  Animals do not perceive distance, time and direction as we do, so an animal leaving home will not give clear directions about where they went, how far they travelled and how many blocks away from home they are now.  Animals are also very present-moment beings, they communicate what is foremost in their minds, so will most likely not give a linear replay of everything that happened since they left home, in sequence.  They will communicate what is foremost in their minds, whether it be the patch of sunlight the cat is laying in right now, or the dog that chased it over a garden wall two days ago… both may be communicated as if happening right now.

  3. Animals that leave home after receiving a fright, may be operating from a space of “fight or flight”.  Their senses are engaged in fleeing, and it may be some time before they slow down enough to become aware of their surroundings, and find themselves lost.  This can often give them a second fright, and lead them to “shutdown” for a few hours or days, as they withdraw within themselves.  This allows the cortisol to work its way through their system, and they will often feel more able to function from a space of courage and determination once this has passed and engage their “homing” instinct to find their way home.

  4. Animals do not fear death as we humans do.  To them death is merely a transition, a stepping out of the clothing that they have worn for this lifetime.  It can sometimes happen that the animal is not aware that they have crossed over, especially if the death is sudden, and they may continue to operate as though they are still in their bodies, until something leads them to the realisation that they are no longer in their body.  This can make it very difficult to ascertain whether an animal is still alive or not from the photograph.  It is something that should only ever be suggested as the last consideration and experienced animal communicators will most likely only suggest this as an option after receiving confirmation through several different modalities.

  5. Some animals will revert to being “feral” after only a few days away from home.  This means that their survival instincts kick in, they become wary of humans and human contact, and in survival mode, may not hear their names being called, or recognise their humans.  Cats especially, even when hearing their names being called, may stay hidden as their survival urge has taken over.  They may not reveal themselves, and it may take some time and effort to get them to come out of hiding.

  6. Animals have a purpose on this earth, just as we humans do.  Some animals find themselves drawn to another human, or a place on earth, for a time, or for their next part of their journey.  They may have left home to continue along with their purpose by engaging with another human, situation or family.



Please bear in mind that as much as we animal communicators would love each case to have a happy ending, animals are intelligent beings with their own free will and there are many instances when, despite our best efforts, the animal and human are not re-united.  We do what we can with what we have to the best of our abilities, and speaking personally, are constantly striving to improve both in understanding and ability to intuit and receive information.


Should you have any further questions on this matter, please email me on

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